Clarity and Conciseness of Angular State Management


Actionstack is a state management library designed to simplify the process of managing application state in your JavaScript projects. It provides a clean and intuitive API for defining actions, reducers, and managing the overall state of your application. Whether you're building a complex single-page application or a more modest web application, Actionstack offers a powerful and efficient way to handle your application's state.


Adding Actionstack to your project is straightforward. You can install it using the npm package manager:
npm install @actioncrew/actionstack
This command will download the latest version of Actionstack and its dependencies from the npm registry and install them in your project's node_modules directory.


There are several ways to structure your project for managing application state. While personal preferences play a role, based on our experience, we recommend to place slice files along with related module or component files. This approach is great for both complex and small projects. It keeps the state logic tightly coupled with the Angular code and can be easier to understand for developers working on specific parts of the application.

Here are some additional points to consider for this approach:

Readability: Co-locating slice definitions with components can improve readability for developers working on those components, as they can see the state logic directly alongside the component that utilizes it.

Maintainability: For smaller projects, this approach can simplify maintenance as changes to the state logic are likely to be localized with the component itself.

Trade-offs: While straightforward, this approach might become less manageable for larger projects with many components and complex state interactions. Scattered state logic across the codebase could lead to challenges in maintaining consistency and reusability.

Whichever approach you choose, prioritize consistency in your state management practices for optimal results.

API Reference

This section provides a detailed reference for the core functionalities offered by Actionstack. It explains the key functions and classes you'll use to manage your application state effectively.

Creating Actions

Actions represent events or user interactions that trigger state updates. Use the action function from Actionstack to define actions.

Creating Reducers

Reducers are pure functions that handle state updates based on dispatched actions. There is no specific function for reducer creation, you write them as you wish.

Creating Store

The store function in Actionstack is the heart of application's state management. It's responsible for taking a configuration object (module) and returning a store instance that holds the current application state, provides methods for dispatching actions, and allows subscribing to state changes. While store allows you to create multiple stores, it's important to understand the use cases and potential drawbacks to make informed decisions in your application.

Dispatching Actions

Dispatching an action triggers the update process based on the defined reducer logic. Use the dispatch method on the store to dispatch actions.

Subscribing to State Changes

Components in your application can react to state updates by subscribing to changes in the store. Use the subscribe or select method on the store.


Selectors are pure functions that extract specific data from the state object. They are helpful for connecting your components to specific slices of the state without exposing the entire state object.

Advanced Topics

While the core functionalities of Actionstack provide a solid foundation for state management, the library might offer additional features for handling complex scenarios in your application. Here are some advanced topics you could explore.

Actionstack promotes the modular state management design philosophy that breaks down an application's state into smaller, independent units called modules or slices. Each module is responsible for managing a specific portion of the overall application state. Each slice has a dedicated reducer function that handles state updates based on dispatched actions. To keep it short, the library provides StoreModule[1][2] and Slice[1] classes that are dedicated to streamline modularity issues.

As a modern state management library Actionstack goes beyond managing synchronous state updates. It provides powerful tools for handling asynchronous actions[1], empowering applications to interact with external resources smoothly. Its core functionality allows applications to handle tasks like API calls and data fetching natively without directly interfering with component logic. As a result we keep components clean and focused on UI rendering and user interactions.

Furthermore, it supports concept of effects[1] that are a mechanism for handling asynchronous operations triggered by actions dispatched within your application. If an effect identifies a matching action, it can perform asynchronous operations like making API calls, fetching data, or interacting with local storage. Based on the results of the asynchronous operations, effects can potentially dispatch new actions that update the application state.

It’s important to note that both asynchronous actions and effects are tools for handling side effects in state management, and they can be used together in the same application. The best one to use depends on your specific use case and personal preference.


We appreciate your interest in contributing to Actionstack! This section outlines how you can get involved and help make Actionstack even better.

Reporting Bugs

If you encounter any bugs or unexpected behavior while using Actionstack, please report them through the GitHub Issues.

Suggesting Features

Do you have an idea for a new feature that could improve Actionstack? Create a new issue on the Actionstack repository on GitHub. Clearly describe the proposed feature, explaining its benefits and potential use cases. Consider providing mockups or wireframes if applicable.

Submitting Pull Requests

If you're comfortable with code contributions, you can submit pull requests to fix bugs or implement new features.


Actionstack is distributed under the MIT License. This permissive license grants you significant freedom to use, modify, and distribute the library. You can freely use it in your personal and commercial projects without restrictions. You can modify its source code to suit your specific needs. This allows for customization and adaptation to your application's unique requirements. You must include the original Actionstack copyright notice and license text within your projects that use Actionstack. This ensures proper attribution and recognition of the library's creators. No Warranty: While the MIT License removes liability from us, we're still interested in improving our product. We'd be happy to assist or support you in resolving any issues you encounter.
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